Acupuncture Treatment For Prevention of Menopausal Symptoms

Women who have entered menopause are less likely to be able to conceive a child or carry them to term. As a woman’s body begins to change, the hormone levels fluctuate, sometimes to the extreme. Sexual intercourse becomes uncomfortable, hot flashes occur and their emotional well being can be affected as well. Some women will experience very intense symptoms, while others may not have any at all.
For women in the United States, those who experience severe symptoms are often treated with hormone replacement therapy. While HRT is effective, it can have many different side effects including an increased risk in uterine and breast cancer. Lucy Postolov is a highly trained acupuncturist with an extensive background in Western medicine. She understands that HRT has its benefits as well as its drawbacks. She also has the knowledge and experience to offer her patients other options.
Dr. Postolov uses acupuncture and Chinese herbs to help regulate a woman’s hormone levels and cope more effectively with menopause and its many symptoms. A woman’s general health will often determine how severe her menopause symptoms will be. Her weight will also play a role. Ms. Postolov assesses every case on an individual basis.
Women who seek treatment with Dr. Postolov will experience a gradual reduction in their symptoms. Unlike Western medicine, traditional Chinese healing methods will not offer an immediate “cure”. Instead of treating the symptoms a woman experiences, she will address their cause and work to eliminate it. By working to regulate the woman’s hormones and strengthen the reproductive system, she allows the body to slowly regain its balance.
As a woman’s body begins to change, so does her nutritional needs. Dr. Postolov offers nutritional counseling to help make sure she receives the nutrients she needs. She can also create specific, Chinese herbal blends to help compensate for changes in her estrogen levels. Nutritional counseling, the use of Chinese herbs and acupuncture can help women adjust their lifestyle and adapt to the changes occurring within their body.
Re-balancing hormones is only the beginning. It can take several months for a woman’s body to adjust to the decreased production of estrogen. Acupuncture can help to restore that sensitive balance by stimulating the endocrine system as a whole. The use of Chinese herbs can also help support and strengthen the reproductive system making the transition go much smoother. Nutritional counseling is also important. As a woman ages, it is much easier for her to gain weight. By including nutritional counseling in her treatment plan, Ms. Postolov can help her Los Angeles patients maintain their ideal weight and regain their health on all levels.