Gentle, Effective, Skin Rejuvenation with the AcuLift™ MicroPen
The AcuLift™ Micropen utilizes Microneedling and Nanoneedling to effectively treat fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, improve skin texture and color and dramatically enhance the effectiveness of skincare products. Visible results begin on the first day and continue for weeks afterward. As collagen levels continue to build up, your skin becomes more luminous and complexion more even.
Lucy Postolov is uniquely qualified to perform Microneedling and Nanoneedling due to her knowledge of Eastern and Western medicine and 35 years’ experience in beauty and wellness. Combining this ancient medicine with modern technology enhances health and beauty from the inside out. Body acupuncture addresses the internal causes of aging and organ imbalances, which often appear on the face. Relaxing, restorative acupuncture treatments can be combined with both Microneedling and Nanoneedling, drastically enhancing the effects.
How Microneedling Works
Microneedling involves making multiple controlled puncture marks on the skin using a special pen-like device that has 16 very small needles at the head. Hyaluronic acid is applied to the skin as the channels are produced which deliver the vital building block to the cells, producing fresh collagen. Nanoneedling is similar to Microneedling but is less invasive. The difference between Microneedling and Nanoneedling is the size of the needles and the depth the needles reach in the skin. Microneedles are 3mm in length and can penetrate up to 2.5mm into the skin, while Nanoneedles are much smaller, about ⅓ the size of a human hair, and only penetrate to .15mm in the skin. Nanoneedles are used on more sensitive areas of the face, such as the lips and around the eyes and feels more like sandpaper than a needle. Microneedling is ONLY performed by the doctor once a month, while Nanoneedling can be applied one to two times a week..
Your Microneedling and/or Nanoneedling appointment begins with applying numbing cream to your face to help reduce any painful sensations. While you wait for the numbing cream to take effect, you will be treated to a calming whole-body acupuncture treatment. Following your needling session, instructions on aftercare will be reviewed.. Results of the treatments are noticeable two weeks after the procedure and after one month you will start to see the full results. A 4-month course is recommended for best results. Each month consists of one microneedling session and 3 nanoneedling sessions. Please note, results may vary depending on your age and skin type.
After the first treatment you will receive complimentary skin care products for faster rejuvenation of your skin to provide a younger, firmer, and more radiant appearance.

Photo Credit Dr. Lucy Postolov
More Before, During and After Treatment Details:
If desired, topical anesthetic is applied before treatment to provide light numbing as well as professional strength Arnica (clinically proven to reduce bruising and swelling) before and after treatment.
During Treatment: Physician formulated, organic, vegan serum prepared for your skin’s individual needs will be applied. The AcuLift™ MicroPen is then used to create controlled microchannels, eliciting your body’s healing response. This will remodel and rejuvenate your skin to provide a younger, firmer, and radiant appearance. During your treatment you will get a capsule with Arnica, hyaluronic acid, collagen, and vitamin c serum as well as DMAE and CoQ 10 serum, an aloe vera mask and apple stem cell serum. Light therapy treatment might also be applied during your session.
Post Treatment: Following treatment your skin may appear pink or slightly red, like a mild sunburn. This typically disappears after 12 – 24 hours. You will receive a patient aftercare kit and two capsules of Arnica to accelerate your recovery and results. You will receive detailed instructions on how to use your products and instructions to avoid exercise and staying out of the sun for 24 hours.
Results: Are sometimes apparent after one treatment and will improve over a series of 3-6 monthly treatments. Results will continue to progress for several months after your last treatment. Results can last up to 5 years!
Celluma Light Therapy
In addition to needling, LED light therapy may be applied to help further increase your skin health. Light emitting diode (LED) therapy , also known as phototherapy or low-level light therapy, is the application of specific wavelengths of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits for a variety of conditions including skin, pain and hair restoration. The absorbed energy is then used to improve cellular performance.
Dr. Postolov uses the Celluma Light Therapy machine, an FDA-cleared device approved for pain management, hair growth and skin health. The device will be placed over your face during a treatment for approximately 30 minutes. The advantage of the Celluma LED is that it is flexible and so is easily moldable to fit comfortably over your face in a broad C shape, giving ample space between your face the light emitting diodes. Once the device is in place, a specific light frequency will then be emitted that research has shown increases circulation, accelerates tissue repair, kills acne bacteria, decreases inflammation, improves acne prone skin, overall skin tone, texture and clarity, and decreases wrinkles. Your eyes will be covered during the treatment with special protective glasses. Although the light is not harmful, wearing glasses will help prevent any unpleasant and distracting sensations caused by the pulsing light.
The LED Light Therapy treatment will enhance the effects of your microneedling treatments primarily by helping to increase the production of collagen in the face, which helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and creates stronger, healthier skin. It is a wonderful addition to your microneedling treatments.

Light emitting diode (LED) therapy

Red light for hair loss.
Before and after for acne problems.

Before and after for aging skin (age spots and wrinkles).

Before and after for aging skin (age spots and wrinkles).

Before and after for hair growth.

Photo credits Josh Nerenberg, L.Ac.
Celebrities and Facial Acupuncture:
Recently cosmetic acupuncture has been getting a lot of media attention. Celebrities seem to always know what’s hot in the world of anti-aging treatments and facial acupuncture appears to be topping the list. According to a recent Wall Street Journal, Microneedling is one of the top five holistic treatments used instead of surgical face lifts: See Wall Street Journal article HERE.
A-list celebrities like Lady Gaga, Jessica Alba, Angelina Jolie, Katy Perry, and Kim Kardashian all swear by what is being described as a holistic alternative to Botox, claiming cosmetic acupuncture helps them look younger while boosting their health and well-being. But is facial acupuncture just a new trend that will eventually fade? No, as a matter of fact, facial acupuncture has been around for centuries. As early as the Sung Dynasty (960 AD- 1270A D) Acupuncture Rejuvenation practices were employed for the Empress and the Emperors. Celebrities have used Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation to maintain and improve their appearances. Cosmetic Acupuncture represents a safe and natural method to promote youthfulness and enhance natural beauty. For Hollywood’s Elite, the ability to express themselves through their face is vital, however many popular procedures such as Botox injections can impair this ability. Luckily, you don’t have to be a Hollywood Star to take advantage of this ancient technique for revitalizing the skin.
As an anti-aging treatment, facial acupuncture utilizes traditional Chinese medicine in conjunction with modern science. The result being restored balance of energy flow throughout the body is restored, while increasing the production of natural collagen in the skin.
Kim Kardashian

David Duchovny

Lady Gaga

Jessica Alba